TOP MESSAGE 2018top message

We will continue to stably supply high-quality materials, and will contribute to the solving of social issues.

President and Representative Director
Akira Sekiguchi

Akita Sekiguchi

 The DOWA Group was founded in 1884 at the Kosaka Mine in Akita Prefecture. Presently, we are developing recycling-oriented business from the production of metals to the manufacturing of high value-added products, waste disposal treatment and recycling.
 In the company’s smelting and recycling complex, we recover metals with high efficiency from by-products or auxiliary materials, and supply it to the market. Not limited to metal resources, our products and services broadly contribute to the creation of a resource-recycling and low-carbon society as component materials indispensable for the utilization of natural energy, as elements of high efficiency for electric utilization, and as processing services that enhance the durability of automotive parts.

 It goes without saying that stably supplying products and services is the social mission of our company. In order to continue supplying, we recognize that securing raw materials and securing & training human resources are the two points that are important issues for our company.
 With regards to securing raw materials, not only are we focused on recycling auxiliary materials, but also on acquiring mines overseas. As the competition to secure resources intensifies due to oligopolization by major resource companies and so-called resource nationalism, we are not relying on procurement that just buys the necessary amount of resources at the necessary time, and we are trying to stabilize procurement over the long term by increasing our own mining. However, such mine development cannot be done overnight. It takes more than ten years from exploration to operation, as well as consideration to the local residents, ecosystems and cultural heritage, and preventing the environmental pollution of such things as air, water and soil. In addition, sufficient consideration is required for the human rights and safety of workers. One by one, we are steadily implementing these initiatives together with partner companies.
 With regards to securing human resources and strengthening their training, it is no exception for us at our business base in Japan when it comes to the declining trend of the working population due to the drop in the birthrate and the aging population. It is very important to develop an environment that allows employees with certain restrictions on their jobs, such as childcare and nursing care, to demonstrate their abilities, and get them to play an active role with various ways of working. We must consider not only increasing the options for working styles, but also such initiatives as educational support to improve workplace abilities, and more efficiency by expanding the IT infrastructure. Furthermore, by continuing to be a company that has a sense of trust and security from society through the promotion of CSR, we think that it will lead to a boost in the pride, self-confidence and motivation of our employees, which will lead to an improvement in organizational strength.
 Companies need to change in response to the diversification of values among workers and changes in communication styles. In the Midterm Plan 2020 Medium-Term Plan that started from FY 2018, we aim not only to strengthen the organizational foundation that supports our business, but also to build a long-term growth foundation in the areas of human resources and organization. We are also proactively investing in educational opportunities.
 We aim for human resource training that keeps what is good, incorporates what is new and becomes a driver of change.

 We signed the UN Global Compact in 2009, and we have worked on corporate activities that comply with the 10 principles in the four fields of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. As the leader of the DOWA Group I again declare that we will continue to support the UN Global Compact in the future. In order to contribute to the sustainable development of society, the DOWA Group will implement these 10 principles through all our business activities.

 In addition, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) started in January 2016. They require companies around the world to fulfill the practical role of problem solving in the main course of their businesses. Of course, we also intend to play a part. Because our company has a wide area of business, for the SDGs goals that we can contribute to, we think that several apply. However, for our company that has put into practice over many years the formation of a recycling-oriented society, the area where we can demonstrate the most leadership and make a big contribution through our business is goal number 12 of the SDGs, “sustainable consumption and production”. Merely implementing the goals for our operations is not the end. There are further business opportunities in the surrounding issues, and while taking one step after another, we will accelerate our efforts to solve common global problems and develop our business.

 We will continue to steadily implement policies aimed at sustainable growth in the future, and we will do our utmost to meet the expectations of our stakeholders.
 We appreciate your continued guidance and support.