Third Party's Opinion

Chief Executive
Peter David Pedersen
Pedersen was born in Denmark in 1967 and graduated from the Faculty of Cultural Anthropology, Copenhagen University in 1995. He is engaged in environmental management consulting services and organizing international symposiums as a business consultant. In September 2000, he established E-SQUARE INC., a CSR and environmental consulting company and assumed the office of CEO of the company. The company supports many business establishments in the fields of strategy, communication, education, marketing and business development. He offers strategic consulting services to global companies, leveraging on his global insight in the CSR field and his facilitation ability to lead companies to define their visions.
"I can see from DOWA's CSR report that DOWA positions building a resource-recycling society through its main business as the basis of its SCR and actively promotes the CSR activities."
About the Content of the Report
In the report I see that as a company engaged in an effective utilization of resources that are essential to life and supporting the industrial infrastructures, DOWA focuses on 1) reduction of its own environmental load, 2) contribution to the environment through business and 3) collaboration with its stakeholders, as the focus points of its CSR management.
1) I was impressed with DOWA's attitude to not only set up numerical goals by 2012 aimed at preventing global warming, but also aimed to be a carbon neutral company in a long term, in order to reduce its own environmental load.
2) The policy that DOWA actively deploys operations in Asia that is an important part of resource recycling chains, and that it is not limiting its efforts only to Japan, I strongly feel DOWA's responsibility and commit as a Japanese company, not just as a business enterprise, to contribute to society as a whole through its business.
3) As for collaboration with stakeholders, I see from the report that DOWA is actively promoting social activities at the local level. DOWA needs to collaborate more with people with different ideas and cultures, responding to diversified needs from society. I think it a pressing issue for DOWA to foster the workplace and structure where diversified human resources can play various roles within the company.
As an improvement to this report, I can see the editor tried to reflect opinions of young employees as vividly as possible in addition to leader's voices. I felt the report conveyed passions of DOWA employees for SCR activities and their expectations to DOWA.
Further Improvement
Although DOWA's individual initiatives per field are clearly stated in the report by indicating the results and progress, I felt that the entire CSR vision of DOWA is less visible to readers. I believe DOWA can better appeal to people both inside and outside the group by more clearly stating how DOWA tries to link each initiative with the entire CSR vision and what company DOWA wants to through realization of each initiative.
My Expectation to DOWA's Initiatives in the Future
Resource-recycling and its effective utilization has become a pressing issue in order to achieve sustainable development on a global basis, due to rapid development of emerging countries in addition to pursuit for convenience and amenities of people in the developing countries. The importance of DOWA group's initiatives is increasing as DOWA supports cutting-edge technologies of our new age, including solar cells and eco-friendly home electric and electronic appliances.
In addition, determining how best to collect used home electrical and electronic appliances effectively, process and recycle them properly is very important in order to achieve resource-recycling society.
While international standardization on recycling is sought, I expect DOWA group's leadership in the international negotiation forum. DOWA has valuable experiences and achievements in the field of resource recycling in Asia. I strongly hope Asia will lead the world in building resource-recycling society, based on DOWA's experiences and achievements, in collaboration and partnership with other companies beyond its lines of business.