Relationship with Customers
Together with our Customers
The DOWA group endeavors to contribute to realizing better society and to build good relationship with our customers through our products and services.
Sending Out Information

The DOWA group strives to send out information related to environments and social contribution, through our Website, exhibitions and seminars.
DOWA-CSR website
In order to disseminate information on the CSR activities of the DOWA group, we opened a Website dedicated to CSR in June 2007. In addition to the Web version of our CSR report, the Website features a page dedicated to a survey where our stakeholders can submit their comments and views. We endeavor to reflect them in our CSR activities.
Exhibitions and Seminars
We are committed to strengthening communication with our customers by engaging various activities to send out information, including sponsoring exhibitions, running our booths at various events in and outside Japan, holding seminars and making presentations at symposiums.


(Tokyo Big site)

(Akita City)
Towards Quality Improvement
We offer human resource education programs, training courses and study sessions to raise each employee's awareness of being more customer-oriented and to provide products and services that best satisfy our customers.
Each company of the DOWA group has its own contact points in charge of receiving comments and complaints from outside via email or telephone calls. We strive to build a system so our employees can better respond to those comments and complaints, and then reflect them in our periodic reports and make improvements.
AEO Certified as an Outstanding Exporter in Compliance

Nagoya Customs recognized DOWA Metaltech as an "Authorized Exporter" in its Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) system in April 2009. The system is established in compliance with international standards and intended for both ensuring security in and smooth flow of the international distribution of goods. Certified exporters in this system are given preferential treatment such as simplified custom or tax declarations. The Trade Management and Control Committee of DOWA Metaltech worked hard for nine months to put the in-house security control and compliance system in place, aimed at being recognized as an AEO. We further endeavor to improve our system to deliver products faster and to deliver secure and safe services to our customers.
Working Together with Shareholders and Investors
The DOWA group is committed to timely and proper disclosure of corporate information including management policy and financial data, to gain understanding and trust from our customers, shareholders and investors, and local communities.
We also put much emphasis on direct communication with both Japanese and international investors. For example, at our results briefings and the annual shareholders' meeting we strive to improve our business management by reflecting their comments and opinions. Through IR activities, we try to establish two-way communications with our shareholders and investors, by publishing IR reports and an annual report as well as disclosing information on our website.
DOWA HD website (IR Information)
Information on DOWA Holdings is posted in this website in an easy-to-understand way to our shareholders and investors.
General Shareholders' Meetings

The DOWA group holds the annual shareholders' meeting at the end of June in Four Season's Hotel Chinzanso, Tokyo and approximately 400 shareholders attended the meeting in 2009. After the meeting we hold a party so that we can better communicate with shareholders and they can talk to our directors. We have a booth at the venue exhibiting our products.
Giving away "Eco-bags"

We deliver our CSR report to shareholders to inform them of our CSR initiatives at the party.
As part of our eco-friendly activities, a copy of 2009 CSR report is given in a DOWA's own "eco-bag"-reusable cloth shopping bag. We also exhibited a wall display to show the 2 reduction effect through the use of eco-bags.