
Focus Measures:Conservation of biodiversity

Circumstances Surrounding the Mangrove

Mangrove is a general term for plants growing in brackish water area where subtropical seawater mixes with freshwater; plankton, crab, shrimp etc. grow abundantly and it is the habitat for various organisms where birds and fish gather together. In addition, it became a buffer zone to alleviate the effects of high waves and tsunamis caused by typhoons, and it was recently found that it plays an important role in absorbing and fixing CO2. However, the mangrove forests in Southeast Asia are declining rapidly and it is said that especially in Thailand that the mangrove forests of nearly half of the area were transformed into shrimp farming ponds in the last 20 to 30 years.


Learning Biodiversity through Experience

This time's afforestation activity was conducted to encourage local children to learn the importance of the environment through personal experience, so we invited local Ban Bowin School, where 173 students, 7 teachers and 13 local residents participated as volunteers.
On that day, they received orientation about mangroves from the Navy who administer the Sattahip Coast and planted 300 trees in collaboration with ESBEC employees. The children also visited the nearby Natural History Museum (Thai Island And Sea Natural History Museum) and learned more about the marine creatures of Sattahip. Through this afforestation experience, we hope that children will deepen their understanding of mangrove and biodiversity.


Children and Environmental Education

For sustainable development of society, children who will be responsible for the future should have correct knowledge about the environment and it is important to raise their awareness. At ESBEC, we recognize that our business activities will affect the global environment and local communities, so we are focusing on our efforts for CSR activities targeting "environment," "region" and "child." In addition to conducting experience-based learning like the mentioned afforestation on a regular basis, we also donate color-categorized waste bins to local elementary schools to convey the importance of sorting and recycling of waste and we are taking active initiatives on environmental education such as conducting a workshop to make eco bags, etc. so that they work on familiar environmental activities and this will help raise the children's eco mind.


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