Total Energy Input
The DOWA group uses purchased power, in-house power generation, fossil fuels and steam as energy sources. Total amount of energy input for 2012 was 15.7 PJ (Peta (=1015 joule). The DOWA group will further promote energy saving to fight against global warming and will strive to convert our energy sources to those producing less CO2 emissions by introducing solar power and hydroelectric power generation on an increased basis.
In 2012 the amount of thermal power generated was 2 GWh, solar 302 MWh and hydroelectric 59.9 GWh. We also purchased steam of 528 GJ (purchased base) derived from wood biomass from outside sources.
Main Reduction Measures
Effective utilization of heat sources within our business establishments
Energy saving through improvement of facilities and equipment
For the utilization status of heat generated within the DOWA group, see "Recycling Status of Resources".
Indirect energy
Reduction of energy consumption and improvement of energy efficiency are absolutely necessary to reduce CO2 emission. The DOWA group is promoting such reduction and improvement through: utilization of renewable energy including hydro and solar power; switching to and introduction of energy saving equipment and facilities; and a modal shift of logistics.
Purchased Power
Purchased power in 2012 amounted to 1,163 GWh (1,136 GWh in Japan and 26 GWh other countries) and the purchased power in Japan increased by 2% compared to the previous year. This was mainly due to the increase of silver production and copper recycling in Kosaka Smelting & Refining.
Main Reduction Measures
Reduction of power through proper maintenance of main facilities and equipment
Reduction of standby power for facilities and equipment
< Changes of Annual Purchased Power >
Fossil Fuel Consumption
The amount of fossil fuel consumption in 2011 was 107,000 kL as converted to crude oil (104,000 kL in Japan and 4,000 kL other countries), a decrease of 5% in Japan compared to the previous year. This was mainly due to the decrease of usage of used oil in ECO-SYSTEM Sanyo and ECO-SYSTEM Chiba. Energy consumption by transportation in 2012 was 231TJ (Tera (1012) joule) (129 TJ in Japan and 101 TJ other countries).
Main Reduction Measures
Reduction of fuel consumption through effective operation of furnaces
Reduction of fuel consumption by reviewing the warehouse area and improving traffic
< Changes of Annual Fossil Fuel Consumption >
Water Resource Input
Water resource input in 2012 consisted of purchased water of 4.9 million m3 (4.5 million m3 in Japan and 0.3 million m3 other countries) and in-house intake of water of 99.2 million m3 (99.2 million m3 in Japan, 0.1 million m3 or less other countries), totaling 104 million m3, an increase of 2% in Japan compared to the previous year. This was mainly due to the increased production at Akita Zinc.
Main Reduction Measures
Energy saving measures for driving force of pumps and reduction of intake of sea water by adopting smaller pumps for intake of sea water.
< Changes of Annual Water Resource Input >
Total Material Input
The DOWA group uses materials in its production and processing businesses as raw materials, agents, parts and packaging materials and accepts waste disposed from other companies and local government agencies in its industrial waste disposal business.
Total amount of material input consisting of raw materials and accepted waste in 2011 was 2,240,000 tons. The amount of packaging materials (virgin materials) used is 763 tons.
Main Reduction Measures
Reduction of sheets of paper used between layers of metal products
Raw materials usage (both virgin material and recycled material)
The DOWA group used 994,000 tons of raw materials (921,000 t in Japan and 23,000 t other countries) in 2012. Raw materials used in Japan increased by 11% compared to the previous year. Usage of virgin materials in Japan was 769,000 tons, while that of recycled materials was 153,000 tons and commissioned products for heat treatment were 58,000 tons. Usage of raw materials (ores) increased in Akita Zinc and usage of recycled materials increased in Akita Zinc Recycling compared to the previous year.
< Changes of Annual Consumption of Raw Materials >
< Details of Raw Materials Usage >
Accepted Waste
Accepted waste in 2012 was 1,296,000 tons (906,000 t in Japan and 389,000 t in other countries). Total accepted waste in Japan decreased 3% compared to the previous year. Accepted waste in Japan consisted of polluted sludge, soil, waste alkali, waste acids, waste plastics and shredder dust. Of accepted waste in Japan, burnt residues increased by 92% and polluted sludge (not requiring special controls) increased by 26%, while alkali and soil decreased by 13% and 8% respectively.
The DOWA group is also engaged in recovery and destruction of CFC and CFC substitutes from used household electric appliances and used automobiles. CFC and CFC substitutes are one of the causes of destruction of the Ozone Layer and global warming. In 2012 we recovered and destructed 61 tons of CFC and equivalents in Japan and other countries. This corresponds to 197,000 tons when converted to CO2.
< Changes of Annual Accepted Waste >
< Details of Accepted Waste >
Note: Explosive, toxic and infectious industrial waste and others that may be dangerous to health and the living environment are designated as industrial waste requiring special controls according to the Waste Disposal Law and are required to be disposed according to stricter standards than those for other industrial waste.
*SP= abbreviation for industrial waste requiring special controls