Opinion of a Third Party
Chief Executive, E-SQUARE
Hiro Motoki
E-SQUARE Inc. is a consulting company, aimed at realizing a sustainable society by supporting strategic CSR and environmental management of companies. The company supports many leading business establishments in the fields of strategy, communication, education and BOP. Mr. Motoki assumed his office of Chief Executive in October 2011. He has been working as a special lecturer for the Graduate School of Environment Studies, Tohoku University since 2005 and also is a frequent lecturer on CSR.

About the CSR Report 2013
I contributed some of the third party’s opinions to DOWA's CSR report last year including points for improvement. I have confirmed that these points are reflected now in the 2013 report. Now DOWA’s CSR policy and important measures are classified into four areas of “Safety,” “Environment,” “Corporate Governance,” and “Society” in this report. This classification helps readers more easily recognize the company’s aims. By describing the company’s goals and achievements in an organized way allows readers to more easily understand the CSR activities of the entire DOWA group.
I would like to emphasize that this report clearly explains the relationship between DOWA’s business activities and social issues. From the reports of each of DOWA’s operating companies, I can see DOWA’s earnest efforts to tackle with social issues of effective utilization of resources through its main business not only through recycling but also through effective recovery of metals and safe disposal and treatment of hazardous and nonhazardous substances.
The CSR Report 2013 describes some of the specific efforts on relationship with society and raising the awareness level of the entire DOWA group. These efforts include including observation-tour for employees’ family members of DOWA Metals & Mining, student internships at DOWA ELECTRONIX and the starting up of the in-house CSR portal site. I can see DOWA’s sincere effort for its stakeholders both inside and outside of the company.
Towards Further Improvement
As I mentioned above, the relationship between important measures and goals is clarified but unfortunately the report lacks in detailed description of each goal. I expect that specific goals and their action plans will be described in the next report—for example, when and to what extent is each goal expected to be achieved. I think it is good to mention public policy proposals in section about the Relationship with Central and Local Governments and Industrial Groups. I think readers are interested in DOWA’s plans on public policy proposals and also how DOWA thinks about them. It would be good if these points would be included in the next report.
My Expectation to DOWA's Initiatives in the Future
For sustainability of human life, one of the most serious problems the world faces is depletion of resources. Effective utilization of resources is a vital issue for society; however, it cannot be realized only by one company. It requires coordination with governmental policies including industrial laws and regulations as well as the construction of the infrastructure. I expect further leadership of the DOWA group to show the ideal image of resource-recycling society in partnership with government, other industrialized countries and regions.