DOWA ECO-SYSTEM has been engaged in environmental and recycling business since the 1970s, providing a complete service from delivery to final disposal in the fields of waste treatment, soil remediation and recycling. We started business related to environment outside of Japan earlier than any other Japanese companies focusing on Asia. This contributed to environmental improvement in Asia and making DOWA a leader among Japanese companies engaged in environment and recycling with our cutting edge technologies.
Business Fields
Waste disposal business |
Soil remediation business |
Recycling business |
Main Products and Services
Waste treatment and disposal, managed final waste treatment, soil remediation, recycling of metals, home appliances and automobiles, environment-related consulting and cargo transportation, etc.
<Introduction of One of the Main Plants of DOWA Eco-system>
Ten Years of Reliability and Achievements
as the First Japanese Recycling Plant

We have recovered a cumulative amount of approximately 3,800 kg of gold through our recycling business.
We are committed to achieving both resource-recycling and conservation of environment in China as an advanced business model with cutting-edge recycling and environment-related technologies.
Address : No.28 Sanlian Street, Suzhou New District, Jiangsu 215129 CHINA
Employees : 76 (As of March 31, 2014)
Contributing to Resolving Social Issues in China by Serving as an Environmental Business Model Company
China faces lack of resources as a result of rapid economic growth, while increasing wastes and environmental pollution are becoming major social issues. We have been committed to actively reducing environmental burdens by introducing treatment facilities compliant with exhaust gases and effluent regulations including dioxin. These are aimed at achieving both effective use of resources and the conservation of environment.
In 2010 we started up the first recycling model plant in China that has three functions: home appliance recycling, hydro-metallurgic processing and pyro-metallurgical processing.
This plant enabled not only metal recycling from a variety of types of materials, but also enabled pyro-metallurgical processing of CFC from home appliances and effluent from hydro-metallurgic processing. It has evolved into an ideal plant for optimal processing through combination of these processes. Since there is no recycling plant in China that can recycle and process simultaneously, we accept requests from seven other recycling plants in Suzhou, thereby contributing to reduction of environmental load in China.
Safety Initiatives by the Three Chinese Home Appliance Companies of DOWA
The Act on Management of Recovery and Treatment of Disposed Home Electric and Electronic Appliances was enacted in China in 2011. This act requires recycling of five kinds home electric and electronic appliances; TV sets, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners and PCs). Now DOWA group has deployed home appliance recycling plants also in Tianjin and Jiangxi. These three companies have started up the Chinese Home Electric and Electronic Appliance Association and are now jointly promoting workplace safety, one of important measures of our CSR policy. Local staff also participated in the association to review work standards, select appropriate protective gear and conduct safety patrols. Education and training programs are put in place and selected local members are sent to DOWA plants in Japan to raise their safety awareness.
As the first recycling plant, we would like to play a leading role not only with technologies but also with safety, capitalizing on our accumulated know-how and technologies.
Wu Chunfeng, Assistant Division Manager

In the pyro-metallurgical processing plant, we contribute to environmental conservation of local communities by properly incinerating hazardous wastes. We also reduce amount of TV substrates from home appliance plants through incineration to make them materials for copper smelting.
Those substrates have parts that contain valuable elements other than copper. Additional operation of a pre-treatment process has enabled us to recover elements much more than could have been by traditional incineration methods which also contributes to increased revenue. In the hydro-metallurgical processing plant, we focus on our gold washing and recovering business. We collect gold from LED and other electronic parts manufacturers' jigs that contain gold and contribute to increasing amount of recovered gold.
Tan Zunsheng, Assistant Division Manager

I am now in charge of disassembling plant of used home appliances. Our monthly goal is to disassemble 50,000 units. The number of items that legally require disassembling will eventually increase from present five to fourteen categories. We will prepare a proper disassembling procedure, taking safety into consideration.
The temperature goes up close to 40℃ in summer in Suzhou. I am involved in improving work environment during this hot season. We are also considering to achieve both safety and efficiency for improvement of TV set disassembling lines.
The Tenth Anniversary of Foundation and Opening up of our Exhibition to Pubic

In 2013 we celebrated the tenth anniversary of foundation our facility. As a model recycling company in China, we have accepted many visitors including VIPs from the political and business worlds. Celebrating the tenth anniversary, we renewed our exhibition. We would like to use this exhibition space as a training facility in the Technical and Educational Center in Suzhou New District.
The exhibition has a floor focusing recycling processing with videos, instructive panels and full-sized home appliances exhibition. The exhibit is designed for visitors to learn importance of resources and important aspects of recycling through the displays showing our environmental measures. As a cutting-edge company that co-exists with local communities, we would like to make full use of this exhibition in order to show the way of resource-recycling and contribute to raising environmental awareness of local people.