Aimed at Improving Business Management
Our Efforts for Human Rights and Corruption Prevention
The DOWA Group is committed to prohibiting discrimination against nationality, race, ethnic group, religion, sex, age and disability; child labor; forced labor; and tackling corruption under the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. We strive to understand the circumstances relating to human rights by conducting surveys in our subsidiaries both in Japan and other countries.
In 2013 we did not receive any report of discrimination relating human rights, child labor, forced labor and actual cases of corruption. The DOWA group will continue to respect human rights and promote anti-corruption measures.
The DOWA group places strict "Compliance" as the basis of our corporate management and is promoting such measures as strengthening of internal control and education, based on the standard of conduct of our group.
Standards of Conduct of the DOWA group www.dowa.co.jp/en/about_dowa/cvision.html |
The DOWA group set forth Standards of Conduct to attach importance to the philosophy that a company is part of society, which comply with laws and regulations and take a sensible course of action, and continues to work independently towards creating a good life for all and building a resource-recycling society. |

Established an in-house corporate ethics office.
Hold a monthly compliance meeting to confirm compliance status.
Notify various regulations and guidelines without fail in in-house group meetings.
Offers in-house study sessions, lectures to the public, correspondence education programs on compliance.
Prepares and notifies manuals on the handling of non-compliance cases.

Delivers in-house educational programs on the DOWA group policies and standards to all employees (in China).
The Standards of Conduct of the DOWA group was translated into Chinese and posted on the wall of each of our business entities (in China).
Built a system for employees to directly communicate and consult with management (in China and Thailand).
Set out a comment box for any employee to make proposals and complaints (in China).
Prepared a company rulebook (in USA).
DOWA Hotline Desk
We set up the DOWA Hotline Desk and inform the existence of the Desk through in-house posters for the purpose of making workplace safer and more comfortable. Through this Hotline Desk employees can consult their problems in the workplace directly with corporate lawyers.
The DOWA Hotline Desk is open even for our customers and partner companies for those employees to use and thus be able to build sound relationships outside our company.
Supply Chain Management
The DOWA Group, as part of our CSR management that we promote together with our stakeholders ,aims for the CSR supply chain management that involves our partners,.
In 2013 we revised our procurement policy to promote CSR across the entire supply chain.
We discussed the matter with the CSR department and other relevant departments. We established our CSR procurement Policy by adding "Sustainability" to existing "Quality, Cost and Delivery (QCD)," as our effort for social responsibility for environment, human rights and labor safety.
We will establish a guideline based on this policy and deliver the guideline in-house as well as our partners.
CSR Procurement Policy
The DOWA group endeavors to deepen understanding of our partners of CSR procurement policy. When we select our partners, we will consider Q (Quality), C (Cost) and D (Delivery) plus S (Sustainability) that is their social responsibility effort for environment, human rights and labor safety. With this in mind, we will evaluate and select our partners comprehensively, fairly and impartially.
We will strive to build a mutually reliable relationship with our partners who produce excellent products properly meeting the needs of our customers, aiming at mutual prosperity.
Legal compliance and fair trade
We consider not only compliance but also fairness and impartiality as the top priority and we endeavor to conduct fair trade with our partners. We ask all our partners to comply with relevant laws and in-house rules and regulations before starting trading with us.
Optimal quality and fair price
We will ensure quality required by our customers and provide our products at a fair price in collaboration with our partners. We ask our partners to put their quality assurance system in place and provide us with materials and services that are competitive in the market.
Establishing a stable supply system
We endeavor to prepare Business Continuity Plans (BCP) in each business entity in the group and ensure stable supply of products to our customers even in emergencies. We ask our partners to build a stable supply system of materials and services and conduct risk management for emergencies to ensure timely delivery.
We will try to recycle resources based on 3R's (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) to contribute to sustainable society and promote purchasing of resources and materials with less environmental burdens (Green Procurement). We ask our partners to ensure environmental conservation, respect for human rights, and workplace health and safety. When we select our partners, we place value on the management system that can continuously improve sustainability.
Information Protection
We will not disclose confidential information of our partners to third parties without permission. We ask our partners to keep confidential and personal information obtained in the course of business with our group in strict confidence and not to disclose such to in-house and external third parties without permission from us.
CSR Procurement Guideline
We are promoting procurement, based on the DOWA group's CSR Procurement Guideline. We ask our partners to implement CSR procurement as part of our supply chain, notify their relevant parties of this policy to deepen their understanding and obtain cooperation from them.