Raising the Level of Safety Activity across the Group

Safety Activity Project across the Group
The DOWA group started the "Safety Activity Project across the Group" in September 2012 and placed this project as a focus project for safety. Safety activities are being implemented in all business entities in and outside Japan including health and safety committee and patrols. However, some business entities have more accidents than others. We reviewed such differences and discovered a great gap between the attitudes and methods of safety activities employed at each entity. This discovery made us define across the group what the most effective safety activity is, based on the successful cases. We formulated a policy to raise the level of safety of the DOWA group by adopting the most effective activity for all the establishments across the group.
With the slogan of "No One Is Hurt—No One Hurts Others" the person in charge of safety activities in major business entities in Japan was appointed as a member of this project. They discussed under the supervision of a director from the headquarters in charge of safety, the "ideal image" of safety activities, including potential accident prevention measures, risk assessment and safety patrols for almost a year. We held a whole group briefing on the standard in August 2013 as a kick-off event to fully spread out the safety standard of DOWA that consists of 10 items such as: potential accident prevention measures, risk assessment and safety patrols.
We started up a district meeting, discussion group organized according to districts, in the latter half of 2013 to follow up the individual activities in each of our business entities. Our companies in Japan were organized into district blocks, regardless of their operating company, and in each district a secretariat for safety was established. The secretariat shall function as a place to share information of safety activity status of each company by district and also for mutual consultation. This will further strengthen deployment and spreading out of safety activities in each company and also raise the level of safety of each district through mutual consultation.
In 2014 we will further enhance activities of each district (joint patrol and audit in each district) centering on the district meeting.