To Carry out Responsibility as a Cooperate Citizen

Social Contribution outside Japan
DOWA started mine development in more than twenty countries outside Japan in the 1920's. This was DOWA's first business deployment outside Japan. DOWA has continued business activities aggressively outside Japan, responding to changing markets and users. We have been expanding our business focusing on Asian countries who enjoy high economic growth, including China and South East Asia, especially since 2000. Survival and growth of DOWA's business depend on sustainable development of those countries and regions where DOWA's business entities are located. As such, we try to resolve social problems that those countries and regions face in cooperation with local communities.
Local Contribution of Waste Treatment and Recycling Plant in Thailand

Eastern Seaboard Environmental Complex (ESBEC) is engaged in waste treatment and recycling business of used oil and classification of valuable resources. This DOWA's final treatment site meets the standard of US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). The Complex conducts safe and stable operation as a facility considering environment around the site by completely processing effluent, recovering methane and preventing odor.
Major Local Contribution Activities in 2013
ESBEC participates in the local community as a corporate citizen and believes it an important social responsibility to contribute to development of the local community through communication. Through various types of relationship with local stakeholders, ESBEC supports children who will play an important role in the next generation, and is aggressively propelling activities related to local contribution, emphasizing environment and health field that has a close connection to its main business.

Education fund
Provided financial support to an education fund to dispatch sufficient number of teachers to three local schools.

Environmental education
Offered environmental education through plant visits and held an art event to make an eco-bag.

Communication with local community
Held many dialogue sessions and plant visits by local people to deepen their understanding and promote communication with them.

Offers scholarship to six local elementary and junior high schools to support for poor children to take school education.

Donated segregation garbage boxes to promote recycling in schools.

Hygiene activities
Conducted sterilization and cleaning of school facilities on a voluntary basis to improve hygiene environment of schools.