The DOWA group set forth the Dowa Group’s Values and Standards of Conduct and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Guideline in order for each employee to be aware that a company is a public institution, comply with laws and regulations and take a sensible course of action.
We also strive to ensure sound business management, focusing on enhancement of corporate governance through internal control; improve quality and efficiency of management to implement open, highly transparent management.
< Corporate Governance Chart of the DOWA Group >
To strengthen corporate governance, we encourage each company in the group to prepare a document titled “About Internal Control System” and promote putting each internal control system in place and operating it.
As part of implementing and operating internal control, we also prepare written procedures and workflows on accounting, identify risks of errors and unfair conduct, observe and evaluate processes by internal auditing. To improve efficiency of auditing in 2010, we integrated overlapping internal auditing activities but only to the extent of not to hindering audit effectiveness.
We also conducted auditing of newly consolidated operating companies and interviews on the status of internal control and CSR activities in local communities, including preparation of standards of conduct and other rules.
We will continue to promote internal control activities for risk management and better business performance to further increase our corporate value.
We take part in internal control for the purpose of assuring fair financial reporting that is required by Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as members of the promotion committee. The committee members take part in a wide range of activities, including preparation of ledger sheets necessary for auditing, adjustment of in-house audit schedules, in addition to self-evaluation of the status of internal control of our own operating company. Through these activities we came to think about the meaning of our work in depth. Now, we can view our routine daily work from the standpoint whether the internal control in place is actually reducing the risk of the work or not. I am more aware of the depth and width of our work now.
Members of the J-SOX Promotion Committee and Secretariat
The DOWA group is engaged in a variety of CSR activities according to our medium-term environmental plan.
In 2010, we succeeded in developing eco-friendly products and held a tree planting ceremony together with local people in Akita Prefecture and Okayama Prefecture. Although we promoted power generation using waste heat to decrease the amount of purchased electricity by 3 GWh year-on-year, total domestic emission of CO2 increased by 12% year-on-year due to the increase of received wastes and purchased electricity in our product manufacturing business. Specific usage of CO2 decreased by 10% year-on-year.
Item | Goal and Result | Evaluation | Page |
Offering products and services contributing to building a resource-recycling society |
*Offering of recycling service of Li-ion batteries *Establishment of mass production system to produce silver powders for solar panels *Development of the world state-of-art cooling system integrated with circuit boards for power modules |
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Reduction of environmental impact and environmental risk in our business activities |
*CO2 emission *Specific CO2 emission |
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*Maintenance of existing forests: 78.99 ha (thinning: 69.34 ha, pruning 9.65ha) *Planting of new young trees: Akita Prefecture 7,900 trees, Okayama Prefecture 311 trees |
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Promoting Environmental Conservation Activities |
*Giving away fair trade eco-bags at the Annual Shareholder's Meeting *Offering environmental education to customers *Eco-event of “Parents and Children Environmental Classes” (at the Headquarters in August) *Participating in Okayama Prefecture’s Smart Commutation, Energy Saving Summer Challenge |
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*Holding a tree cultivation (June), planting ceremony (December) and marathon race (January) and Cherry Blossom Festival (March) of "Kojima Lake Blossom Corridor (Okayama Prefecture) *Holding Kosaka Home Town Afforestation Planting Ceremony (in Akita in November) *Holding DOWA Cup Cross Country Ski Festival (in Akita in February) |
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*Dispatching lecturers to Ohdate Exciting Scientific Project for elementary school children (science education) *Dispatching lecturers to Lecture and On-site Training on Rare Metal Recycling for Senior High School students |
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The DOWA group set a goal of “10% reduction during 2008 – 2012, compared to 2006” as a goal to fight against global warming and incorporated that goal in a business plan.
In addition to promoting energy saving in existing facilities and renewing existing power generation facilities and plants, we strive to conduct activities with a view to reduce CO2 by utilizing renewable energy and biodiesel as well as using emission credits through the CDM business.
In the long term, we aim at being a carbon-neutral company and CO2 emissions of our business activities is offset by reduction effect of global warming gas. This will be accomplished through our efforts to reduce CO2 emission in business activities and by reducing global warming gases via our CFC destruction business.