We distributed approximately 12,000 copies (As of March 2011) of CSR Report 2010 published in June, 2010. In addition, we also post our CSR activities and report in English on our website.
The DOWA group conducted a survey to ask comments and opinions from our stakeholders to reflect them in our activities and improving our reports. We also asked comments and opinions on CSR activities and reports from newly recruited employees in our training sessions. We reflected those invaluable comments and the third party’s opinion of last year in preparation for this report as follows. (Some of the comments were summarized.)
Comments and Opinions for the questionnaire
As of April 2011, we received 141 replies including questionnaire reply postcards attached to the report and replies from the questionnaire site of our website.
[ About Our CSR Report ]
Main comments
The report is well organized but too bulky to attract attention.
As for the design and depth of articles, I feel the report is easy-to-read even by third parties.
I could have been more interested in the contents, if the contents were richer.
I like the design, but the PDF file is too large to read on my PC.
[ About Items You are Interestedinterested in ]
Main comments
In this century, the trend in Asia is very important. I was impressed with DOWA’s focus on Asia.
I was interested in the fact that Japanese technologies are made use of in Asia.
I thought that DOWA is very smart to hold Parents and Children Events, involving employees’ children. I was impressed that all family members can participate in the events and deepen the relationship among family members.
I would like to know more about DOWA’s initiative for biodiversity.
(Items you are interested in (top 10/multiple answers)
[ CSR Efforts ]
Main comments
< Point to evaluate >
I felt seriousness of DOWA as it aims at building a recycling-oriented society.
I think such companies like DOWA that are engaged in collecting and recycling resources diligently support Japan. Such actions will eventually expand and influence the whole society. It’s wonderful.
I think it is wonderful to hold recreation events with local people like skiing and cherry blossom festivals.
< Point to improve >
I can see that DOWA recognizes challenges of the whole society, but I cannot see DOWA’s own efforts and challenges clearly.
When I saw the page on DOWA’s communication with local communities, I could see DOWA’s sincere attitude for communication. As mentioned in Features, DOWA focuses on Asia, and I want to know how DOWA is doing globally.
DOWA’s CSR report seems to lack articles on labor, compared to other companies’ CSR reports.
Voices from Employees
The DOWA group offers educational programs on CSR (corporate social responsibility) to raise awareness of CSR in our comprehensive training programs for newly recruited employees and share our CSR activities with them.
This year we offered a wide range of lectures on "To whom does a company belong?” or “What are social issues?” We also evaluated explicitness and details of our CSR Report 2010 and prepared a report on “What is CSR to DOWA?” or “CSR activities in which the DOWA group should take part in the future” from the standpoint of newly recruited employees.
[ About CSR Report ]
[ CSR Efforts ]
Comments from Newly Recruited

I want some articles on respect for human rights.
I need more articles on DOWA’s efforts through their business activities.
I think there should be more articles on the number of female employees, ratio of the use of the child-raising system and total labor hours of employees.
There should be more points to improve in the third party’s opinion column.
There are too many professional terms and graphs, and numbers are too small to read for ordinary readers.
I don’t understand SCM (Supply Chain Management) well.
From Questionnaire Results
I can understand the efforts of each company easily such as recycling, but I wasn’t able to see what kind of company DOWA is as a whole.
> The DOWA group as a whole and efforts of each company are featured in the report. |
Harmony in the DOWA group |
> New pages are added to introduce our eco-friendly products. |
DOWA’s Eco-products |
I cannot see clearly what issues the DOWA group is seriously considering. Issues are not clearly identified in the report.
> We stated clearly in the report that
we are
now |
Reviewing Materiality |
Insufficient information on employees, such as employment and Work/Life balance
> Employment data, data on those who took absence of
leaves |
Relations with Employee |
From the Third Party’s Opinion
I cannot see the whole picture of CSR that the DOWA group aims at.
> Contribution through our main businesses and resource-recycling are the center of our CSR activities and we stated clearly in the report that we are now trying to resolve the issues in-house. |
Remarks by Our CEO Reviewing Materiality |
We will review thoroughly your comments and opinions on our CSR efforts in-house and reflect them in our CSR activities.