Corporate Governance System

Striving to ensure Sound Business Management and Its Improvement - Our Corporate Governance

The DOWA group set forth the gDowa Groupfs Values and Standards of Conducth in order for each employee to be aware that our company is a public institution, comply with laws and regulations and take a sensible course of action. This is also directed gto create prosperous life and the emergence of a resource-recycling societyh, and all our employees will endeavor towards its realization.

We also focus on enhancement of corporate governance as a management issue, and in December 2006, all the boards of directors across the entire group (except for some joint-ventures) adopted a resolution of gestablishing and maintaining an internal control systemh.As part of this resolution, we established a board of auditors and started selection of external directors to further ensure soundness of our management and its improvement.

We also strive to inform all stakeholders of our business activities through our IR activities both in Japan and abroad, including results briefing, shareholders meetings, news release to shareholders and disclosure of quarterly results.

