Social report
Together with Shareholders and Investors - Fair and Speedy Disclosure of Information
IR activity and Communication
We strive to disclose our business information including business policies and financial data in a proper way on a timely basis, aiming at gaining trust and understanding from our customers, shareholders, investors and local communities.
We are committed to promote interactive communications with shareholders and investors through quarterly result briefings and meetings with investors in and out of Japan through news releases, annual reports and IR (investor relations) activities, including information disclosure on our website.
We also hold briefings actively for our shareholders and investors to disclose corporate information and ask their opinions as part of our communication efforts.
In 2007 we held briefings for investors in England, France and the Netherlands on our business restructuring plan and operating results. People in Europe are very interested in environmental businesses and we received many opinions and comments from them in each briefing. We will reflect these priceless comments in our business management.