Overview of DOWA group
Our Efforts in 2007 - Questionnaire results for the gCSR Report 2007h of the DOWA group
Thank you for your comments and opinions for the questionnaire for the CSR Report 2007. We will use your comments and opinions in preparing this report and reflect them in our CSR activities of the DOWA group.
Questionnaire Results
Items you are interested in (top five)
Explicitness of This Report
Length (number of pages)
Respondents (number of responses)
Let us introduce some of your comments and opinions.
¡I think your business activities are directly connected to contributions to society. Therefore, the report should include more specific social contributions of DOWA.
¡I'm impressed with your corporate philosophy, goals and social contributions. I'm envious of elementary school students in Kosaka who can enjoy wonderful experiences with DOWA.
¡I learned from the report that recycling of metal is directly connected to reduction of CO2. I reassured by how important recycling is. The report assured me that we should promote recycling for the environment.
Our efforts in building resource-recycling society are posted on DOWAfs CSR pages (P.7 and 8). Read our efforts together with the pages introducing each operating company (P.45 and 46).
¡I think it's a good idea to use an award-winning drawing by a child in order to let children think about the environment.
We have started posting all drawings sent from children for our drawing contest for children on the Internet and use one of them on the front page of our report since last year.¨ http://www.dowa-csr.jp/kids2007/
¡The report is very comprehensive and easy to understand. I feel closer to DOWA, because the report is renamed to CSR Report to include not only environmental reports but also your activities contributing to local communities. I want to know personal opinions of employees more. Thatfs my personal opinion.
¡I can see DOWAfs efforts in various fields, but I cannot see the efforts and difficulties of employees on site. I wanted to read more about both successful practices and those less successful practices in reality.
In addition to an employeefs voice in each department (VOICE), we have interview articles from employees in CSR Topic pages.
Comments from
Newly Recruited Employees of the DOWA group

Newly recruited employees of DOWA in 2008 read CSR Report 2007 and pointed out good points and bad points of CSR Report and each companyfs CSR activities. Here are some of their comments.

Easy to understand
¡The report explained the resource-recycling society clearly and I understood DOWAfs CSR and the goals very well.
¡This report include information per department. I clearly understand the reason why DOWA adopted the holding company system.
¡The report is easy to understand with full of colorful illustrations and figures.
Good contents
¡Full of information on each business establishment
¡Interview with Chairman and President is easy to read as it is in a colloquial style, showing their individual opinions and views.

Insufficient information
¡Difference of volume of information depending on operating company
¡Only a little information about overseas operations
¡Lacking in hard numbers
Difficult to understand
¡Specific issues and problems are not clearly stated.
¡It was difficult to understand gINPUTh and gOUTPUT.h
¡I wasnft able to understand the history of DOWA and the connections between companies clearly.
¡I think it is better to mention numerical values of each item such as energy and accepted wastes in the report, but I cannot imagine these figures clearly quantitatively.
Difficult to access specific information
¡We can only have access to detailed information on the Web site of DOWA.
¡We cannot see information unless we have PCs.
¡Detailed information and explanation on how to calculate EEBE(R) should be more clearly mentioned in the report.
We endeavored to include detailed information, while not to sacrifice gExplicitnessh and gEasy to Understandh in the report this year.
Other concerns
¡You should explain the English words and special words more clearly.
¡I want to know problems related to your business activities and your measures in the future.
¡I think the report should include the goals for next year and of each operating company.
¡Insufficient economic data (stock prices, comments on financial status, etc.)
¡Insufficient information on your overseas businesses
¡Data on accidents and disasters may be published for safety purposes.
We strive to improve our reportA based on your comments and opinions and also in-house voices, in considering and reviewing our CSR activities and CSR report in the future.