Environmental report
Environmental Performance - INPUT
Water Resource
DOWAfs service water usage in 2007 consisted of 4,720,000 m3 purchased water and 108,692,000 m3 water-intake, totaling 113,412,000m3. The DOWA group companies and offices strive to save water by recycling discharged water into cooling water, reducing water usage by about 2% compared to last year.
Also the specific consumption of water resource per sale was reduced by 5% compared to last year.
We further endeavor to reduce service water usage by promoting recycling of service water.

Purchased power consumption in 2007 was about 1,243GWh, an increase by about 4% compared to last year. This was caused by operation of the new electric incinerator system, but specific power consumption per sale remained unchanged.

Fuel consumption in 2007 was 64,900 kL as converted to crude oil, of which 3,700 kL was for transportation and 61.200 kL was for other uses. Consumption of fuel increased by about 9%, but the specific consumption per sale remained unchanged.