Chief Executive, E-SQUARE
Hiro Motoki
E-SQUARE INC. is a consulting company, aimed at realizing a sustainable society by supporting strategic CSR and environmental management. The company supports many leading business establishments in the fields of strategy, communication, education and marketing. Mr. Motoki assumed his office of Chief Executive in October 2011. He has been working as a special lecturer for the Graduate School of Environment Studies, Tohoku University since 2005 and also is a frequent lecturer on CSR.
About the CSR Report 2012
DOWA's CSR report well describes its CSR management as integral part of its business and also its efforts for realizing CSR management through its main business activities. Readers can learn DOWA's business activities and efforts from various angles through "Leader's Voice" and "Introduction of Main Plant" of each of five operating companies: Environmental and recycling, smelting and refining, electronic materials, metal processing and heat treatment. As the CSR Report 2012 describes the CSR Policy prepared in 2011 and the Priority List of CSR, we can see the priority of its CSR management in the future. This information is very important to learn the vision and concepts of the DOWA group. DOWA is expanding its global deployment actively. The articles that feature its global expansion are a good attempt to show its global efforts in an easy to understand manner. The report is designed to convey what the management and persons in charge of each effort think and act clearly and the report reflects comments from external stakeholders gathered from the survey results. This report is commendable from the viewpoint of stakeholder engagement.
Towards Further Improvement
CSR Policy, Priority List of CSR and Environmental and Social Goals are reported in this report for the first time, but I think relationship between these are not clear. I think the report should be designed to clarify that the priority list and environmental and social goals are positioned under the CSR Policy. I recommend that the roadmap should be inserted in the report to show which items are more important and how specifically the priority items will be implemented.
I think the wonderful thing on this report is an attempt to find out the material balance of the DOWA group as a whole and show the overall picture of the material balance. Even though each material is described in details, increase or decrease from the previous year is not stated in the material balance list. I recommend that the report should be designed to show the changes compared to previous years so that readers can understand the meaning of the figures easily.
My Expectation to DOWA's Initiatives in the Future
I feel the CSR management integrated with the business goals the DOWA group aims at is steadily moving forward. Today, depletion of scarce resources is increasingly serious problem. The DOWA group offers a variety of technologies indispensable for building a resource-recycling society. I expect DOWA to play a leading role in shifting to a sustainable society, capitalizing on its unique position that covers from the upper stream of the supply chain down to the lower stream.