The United Nations has designated the year 2012 as the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. This initiative is to help all the people in the world enjoy adequate energy, enhance the strength of world economy and lead the world for sustainable development, recognizing the importance of renewable energy.
The DOWA group has been promoting reduction of environmental burden by reducing the amount of energy the group uses in their business activities and its carbon emission. We will promote in-house power generation with renewable energy and promulgate new energy sources through our business activities.
Introduction of Renewable Energy
Hydraulic Power Generation

Ohyu 4th Power Plant
Hydraulic power generation has low impact on the environment, and is purely domestic source of energy. Kosaka Smelting & Refining, a producer of gold, silver and copper started the operation of the second hydraulic power generation plant in Japan in 1897 (Oyugawa Choshi Power Plant). In connection with development of mines and business expansion of the company, new facilities have been added and the existing ones have been maintained, and now the company has six hydraulic power plants in Akita Prefecture, generating total output of approximately 11,400kw. These are important power sources to supply energy to Kosaka Smelting & Refining.
Kosaka Smelting & Refining also contributes to meeting the demand for energy by selling surplus energy to Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. when its facilities have to go offline for regular maintenance service.
Waste Power Generation

Rotary Kiln
Waste power generation utilizing waste heat generates high pressure and high temperature steam, which rotates the turbine to generate electricity. ECO-SYSTEM Chiba, engaged in treatment of intermediate wastes, started operation of waste power plant in 2009 and generates up to 4,200 kW power. Of the power generated, approximately 3,500 kW is used for operation of its own facilities and the rest is sold to others. Waste power generation is an excellent system to save on the consumption of fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.
Solar Power Generation
Four companies of the DOWA group introduced the solar power generation system: Thermo Engineering Ohta Plant (Gunma Prefecture), DOWA Hightech (Saitama Prefecture), ECO-SYSTEM Sanyo (Okayama Prefecture) and Act-B Recycling (Kumamoto Prefecture). Currently the four companies combined can generate power up to a total of 290 kW and use the power as part of electricity required for business operations.
These companies have been actively involved in activities to save energy and reduce the burden on our environment. They strive to raise awareness of employees on energy through introduction of a solar power generation system. They also explain solar power generation, global warming and energy issues to visitors to their plants and local people to help enlighten environmental awareness.

Solar Panels
Contribution to Promulgation of New Energy Sources through Business Activities
Production of Silver Powders for Solar Panels

Silver Powders
Solar power generation is rapidly being implemented and promulgated as part of renewable energy including wind power and geothermal heat generation. DOWA Hightech is one of the largest manufacturers of silver powders for electrodes of solar cells (crystal silicon solar cells) in Japan. Silver powders for electrodes are an important material affecting solar cell performance since silver has low electrical resistance and allows finely detailed wiring. DOWA contributes to improving performance of solar cells by developing and proposing new silver powders, and providing a stable supply of silver powders best suited for the needs of manufacturers throughout the world and in Japan.
Consulting on Energy

Wind Power Generation
Although natural energy such as solar or wind power is clean, renewable and emits less CO2, its successful implementation depends on its installation location. Detailed surveys are needed on how to best store energy, the potential of commercialization and local conditions such as natural environment and the needs of the local economy. E & E Solutions, DOWA's environmental consulting company, actually have measured wind conditions and simulation in various places ever since 1980, and has been promulgating new energy including biomass, small and middle class hydraulic power. We conducted various projects supporting the governmental investigation project of off-shore wind power generation and implementation of mega-solar power generation.