Greeting - What is Social Responsibility of DOWA? -

Challenging Unexplored Areas - Overcoming an Unprecedented Crisis and Aiming at being a Truly Outstanding Company -

An unprecedented worldwide economic crisis last year forced us to reduce production, and our sales decreased drastically as a result of sharp decline of demands from the automobile, IT and semiconductor industries that are closely related to the DOWA group. In addition, we also faced the significant drop of metal prices, resulting in the worst operational results in recent years. We expect that it will take quite a long time before the world economy recovers, and we should be prepared for an unparalleled severe business environment. However, while steadily propelling the structural reforms to build up a business model that can make profits even under a low demand scenario, we should see this recession as a good business opportunity and implement a long-term strategy to accommodate the future.

We will focus our capital investment aimed at growth on the environmental and recycling businesses and our R & D investment on the electronic industry material business. We continue to expand our capital investment both in Japan and around the world, especially in Asia, to be the top environmental and recycling business entity, by selecting the best business magnitude and options for each area. We focus our R & D activities on faster time-to-market of new technologies including nanopowder, deep ultraviolet LED and catalysis. Besides those new investments, we urge to recover large-scale capital investments done intensively over the past few years. We are committed to quickly establishing a business structure that can make profits steadily even before the demands recover.
We positioned the last year as the first year of our Corporate Social Responsibility initiative. While attempting to establish a corporate structure that can overcome this economic crisis, we will also try to further enhance these CSR activities. In order to be a truly outstanding company, we must deploy our CSR activities always one step ahead of the level required by society. Specific activities are being deployed now in many regions, we would like to think about the CSR of DOWA again before we publish the CSR report of this year.
What is DOWA Corporate Social Responsibility? - Contribution to Society through Our Main Business -
The DOWA group has been committed to steady supplying materials to industries as a member of non-ferrous metal industry and has been supporting Japanese manufacturing. In addition to our traditional mining, smelting and refining businesses, today we are also engaged in ordinary and value-added processing of materials, including processing and thermal treatment of electronic materials and metals.
Recently our focus is more on the lower stream industry of environment and recycling than the upper stream industry of material supplying. In this lower stream industry, the focus was on detoxication of hazardous substances and proper management of environmental risks. However, in recent years we have been emphasizing recycling of used metal resources, aimed at returning used products back into useful products for society.
Unlike the global warming effect that we actually feel now, people unfortunately do not realize that metal resources are limited. In the near future, the limited metal resources should be on the agenda as a world common impeding challenge. Before society starts speaking out recycling of limited metal resources and before it becomes too late, the DOWA group must promote recycling of limited metal resources.
While promoting recycling of resources one step ahead of the demand from society, we would like to appeal to the world and urge nations, municipalities, companies and public both in Japan and throughout the world to participate in resource recycling activities that could grow into a huge wave like the movement to fight global warming.
Yes, indeed. Understanding and support from our stakeholders are necessary in order for us to further develop our five recycling-oriented businesses of environment and recycling, smelting and refining, electronic materials, metal processing and thermal treatment. In other words, expansion of our main recycling-oriented businesses is the social contribution and responsibility of the DOWA group.
DOWA Playing a Part in Japan Founded on the Principles of Environmental Conservation - Promoting 3 Rfs, Reduction of Global Warming and Conservation of Biological Diversity -
Letfs think about DOWAfs CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in comparison to the national policies. Last June the g21st Century Environmental Nation Strategyh was approved in a Japanese Cabinet meeting, which sets out the efforts to integrate the three aspects of sustainable society: gRecycling Societyh, Low Carbon Societyh and gNatural Symbiosis.h More specifically, promoting the 3 Rfs (reduce, reuse and recycling) in our Recycling Society, the reduction of global warming in the Low Carbon Society, and conservation of biological diversity in the Natural Symbiosis Society. Right now the priority is clearly on the measures to fight global warming, but we must also promote the 3 Rfs and conservation of biological diversity without delay.
Expanding the recycling business of the DOWA group directly means the promotion of the 3 Rfs. I also think that the measures to fight global warming are a very important in the course of conducting business. It is not easy to reduce CO2, while expanding and growing business. However, DOWA is trying to emphasize energy-saving and process review. While DOWA is committed to reduce emissions from our plants, we also make efforts to further promote destruction of CFC, the CDM business that officially started last year and the BDF business (more) that started first in Okayama this year, as part of our measures to fight global warming. People could not easily see the connection of DOWAfs business with conservation of biological diversity, but now we are shifting the materials for smelting and refining from ore to recycled materials. This significantly contributes to reducing damage to ecosystem in connection with world mine development. In connection with these efforts, we are now promoting the gHome Town Afforestationh movement together with people in the local community in Kosaka Town, Akita, Japan whose rich forests were destroyed by mine development. The movement started four years ago. We aim at fostering forests with biological diversity and also promoting a resource-recycling business that can exist together with nature.

We developed a waste disposal system that makes full use of naturefs purification capability called gBio Paletteh in Honjo, Saitama, Japan. We are going to deploy the system from DOWAfs worldwide base, as this is an environmentally friendly technology that can exist together with nature, allowing biological diversity and clean water. The DOWA group must play a role in implementing and promoting the 21st Century Environmental Nation Strategy as part of our SCR activities, including promotion of the 3 Rfs, fighting against global warming and conservation of biological diversity as one set.
Accelerating Global Deployment - Aiming at DOWA of Asia -
The business areas of DOWA are not limited to Japan now. DOWA is steadily expanding its business worldwide, especially into Asian regions. Therefore, we should promote our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities from a global standpoint.

A waste management company of South East Asia, MAEH joined the DOWA group last year. The company values coexistence with local communities as a corporation that deploys environmentally-oriented business, and has been deploying a variety of activities that contribute to local communities in Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore where it has business. Besides these low-profile activities, we will be able to further contribute to South East Asia through our new businesses including metal recycling and the CDM businesses in addition to existing waste disposal and management businesses. Through these activities we will be able to contribute to promoting the 3 Rfs and fighting against global warming in these regions. MAEH can be a driving force of DOWAfs SCR activities in South East Asia.
DOWA Suzhou is engaged in the recycling business in Suzhou, China. It started a recycling business of home electric appliances and is expected to contribute to resource-recycling in China. This Suzhou plant is a model plant that allows both meticulous recycling and high quality waste management. We would like to establish the DOWA brand in other areas of the giant Chinese market.
Demands for environment and recycling businesses will surely increase in South East Asia and China that are economically growing now. The DOWA group continues to expand the business in South East Asia and China in order to realize the vision of being the gTop Company for Environment and Recycling in Asia.h We are also committed to contributing to these areas by improving environments as part of our corporate social responsibility.
When we start talking about our business expansion in Asia, our dreams never give up. We can say that finally DOWA has taken a big step forward as a global company.
We must carry out our responsibility over wider areas and regions by respecting unique values in each country and region to build up trust with local communities. We must comply with the globally accepted standard in order to continue to grow as a truly global company. With this goal in mind, I participated in the United Nations Global Compact this March. We take this opportunity to transform our global business management into a new stage of development; take CSR more seriously into consideration; and further strengthen and promote our CSR efforts.
Firstly, I want every stakeholder of DOWA to read this CSR Report. I also request understanding and continued support for our efforts to overcome this world economic crisis and to be a truly excellent company. We are committed to carry out our social responsibility as DOWA of Asia.
Note: About the Global Compact
The Global Compact (GC) is a strategic policy initiative started by the then Secretary General, Mr. Annan in 1999 and it was approved officially by the UN in 2000 for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. The GC is an initiative for businesses that are committed to participating in preparing the global framework to realize sustainable growth, by acting as good citizens of society and demonstrating leadership in a responsible and creative way. The DOWA group is committed to implement the GCfs ten principles of conducting business, in addition to DOWAfs value, code of conduct and guidelines of conduct, aimed at sustainable development of society.