Overview of Business
Questionnaire Results
@Thank you for your comments and opinions for the questionnaire on gCSR Report 2008h. We will use your comments and opinions in preparing this report and reflect them in our CSR activities of the DOWA group.
Questionnaire Results

Comments from Newly Recruited Employees of the DOWA group
Newly recruited employees of DOWA in 2009 read CSR Report 2008 and evaluated the contents of the report and the explicitness. They also consider DOWAfs future CSR activities and their expectations. Here are some of their comments.
” Explicitness of This Report
- Easy to understand with graphs, photographs and illustrations
- Easy to understand quantitatively using figures and numerical values
- Good to listen to the voices of working people (VOICE)
- Easy to understand how DOWA is contributing to the Earthfs environments and local communities, etc.
- Fonts and diagrams are too small to see clearly.
- Needs explanation of technical terms and abbreviations.
- Some sections without specific examples and figures are too abstract and difficult to understand.
- Needs explanations on the implications of numerical values.
- Difficult to understand what business each operating company is engaged in.
- The target audience of this report is not clear, etc.
” More Information Required on the Following Points
- Specific business and CSR activities of each operating company
- Details of the future challenges DOWA should tackle and DOWAfs future directions
- Information on processing including development of new products, in addition to recycling
- Recycling efforts of each operating company
- More specific investment directions should be stated, such as main investees.
- More comments and voices from employees and local communities, etc.
” Interesting Contents in (top five)
- DOWAfs Way of Developing Human Resources (21 respondents)
- Aiming at Contributing to Our Community (20 respondents)
- External Economic Benefit Evaluation EEBE(R) (9 respondents)
- INPUT and OUTPUT (8 respondents)
- DOWAfs Health and Safety (8 respondents)
” What do you think CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) of DOWA is?
- To disseminate (communicate) the concept of "Building a resource-recycling societyh to the world through our business activities
- To manufacture products to meet customerfs needs and promote environmental conservation activities, aimed at coexistence with the environments
- Each employee should contribute to society with high technologies and be aware of being a constituent of society.
- To contribute to the entire group by improving quality of each employee in each of his/her business activities
- In addition to our environmental efforts through business activities, to speak out and communicate such efforts to society in various ways
- To respond to expectations from our stakeholders; to be recognized by society with quality products, returning profits to customers, conservation of environments and sincerity and honesty of employees
- To conduct activities with local communities and to be a company respected by local communities, etc.
” What is expected from DOWAfs CSR efforts?
- To further ensure confidence and trust from outside by disclosing information
- To realize carbon-neutral and deploy new eco-business
- To be actively involved in activities with administrative authorities and local communities and cooperate with them
- To be more aware of environmentally conscious business and recycling businesses than other companies, as DOWA is the leading company in those fields
- To deploy recycling business on a global basis and lead the recycling flow of resources on a global basis
- To reduce CO2 emissions more, and not just to be carbon-neutral
- To help countries where DOWA deploys business to be aware of environments and to promote activities closely related to local communities