Environmentally Conscious Business Management
Water Resource
Service water usage in 2008 consisted of purchased water of about 4.2 million m3 (4.1 million m3 in Japan and 0.1 million m3 outside Japan) and in-house intake of water of about 108 million (in Japan only), totaling 112 million m3, a decrease of 1.2% compared to the previous year.
Specific use of water increased to 3.2 million m3 per 0.1 billion yen due to the metal price drop, etc. We further endeavor to reduce service water usage by promoting recycling of service water.

Purchased power consumption in 2008 was about 1,174GWh (1,167GWh in Japan and 7.5GWh outside Japan), an increase by about 5.8% compared to last year.
In-house power generation totaled to 57.2GWh, of which 1.3GWh was from thermal power, 7.6GWh from waste heat and 48.3GWh from renewable energy (48.3GWh water and 13.9 MWh solar).
We continue to make efforts to reduce purchased power consumption by promoting introduction of power generation from waste heat and solar power generation.

Fuel consumption in 2008 was 68,500 kL as converted to crude oil (67,200 kL in Japan and 1,400 kL outside Japan), of which 3,300 kL was for transportation and 65,200 kL was for other uses.
As a comparison, Japanfs domestic fuel consumption increased by about 3.5% compared to last year.

Raw Materials and Accepted Wastes
The DOWA group used 790,000 t of raw materials (for machine parts, medical agents, materials) in 2008, of which usage of virgin materials was 602,000 t, while that of recycled materials was 189,000 t. Included in virgin materials are 88,000 t of entrusted heat treatment products.
They were entrusted to us by our customers and are not for consumption by ourselves. In addition, we accepted 986,000 t of wastes as raw material recycled from wastes. Raw materials recycled from wastes include, soil, waste alkali, shredded dust and sludge. We recycle them and utilize them as energy (thermal recycling).
The domestic usage of raw materials decreased by about 29% compared to last year. Also, the quantity of raw materials recycled from wastes domestically had decreased by about 12% compared to last year.