Relations with society
Imperial Visit

Their Majesties Emperor and Empress visited the DOWA facilities in Kosaka area including Kosaka Smelting and Refining on June 16.
Their Majesties Emperor and Empress visited the new furnace for recycled materials in Kosaka Smelting and Refining and saw the premises and Green Fill Kosaka from inside the car. They also visited the gOath Monumenth that declares symbiosis with nature, located on a hill commanding a whole view of Kosaka Smelting and Refining. They also observed mountains revived with afforestation and the planting ceremony by employees of Kosaka Smelting and Refining.
Their Majesties extended words of expectations and encouragement to us for the commitment to our resource-recycling business of the DOWA group. This is the most honorable year in the history of the DOWA group.
Welcoming Visitors to Our Plants

Kosaka Smelting and Refining
Each business establishment of the DOWA group welcomes visitors including local people, customers and partners to deepen their understanding of our business activities and our commitment to the environment.
Minister of the Environment, Saito visited Kosaka Smelting and Refining (October) and Eco-System Chiba (November) in 2008. As part of ASEAN Training Initiative to foster administrative and industrial personnel from ASEAN countries by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or JICA, our four business establishments in Kosaka, Hanaoka, Chiba and Honjo are selected as companies to accept these people. We feel that public interests in and expectations for our environmental and recycling business are increasing.
Lake Kojima Blossom Corridor project in Okayama City

Planted Kawazu cherry trees
Baron Denzaburo Fujita, founder of the DOWA group, promoted reclamation of the Kojima Bay. Lake Kojima is a pure water lake that is a product of his passion. In April 2007, the DOWA group started a project to plant 3,000 Kawazu cherry trees along the DOWA groupfs properties and the public roads around Lake Kojima and adjacent areas.
In 2008 we had a tree-fostering ceremony for 1,700 Kawazu cherry trees we planted with our supporters in June, August and September. We eradicated weeds and watered the trees. In December we had a planting ceremony. About 1,000 supporters visited the place with their families and enjoyed planting 237 Kawazu cherry trees and Lake Kojima Blossom Corridor Dance.
Two years have passed since this project started and now we have 3,000 supporters planting 3,000 trees (3,265 trees as of the end of March 2009).
Zipangu, the Lands of Gold

The DOWA group sponsored gGOLD-The Lands of Gold: Zipangu and El Doradoh held at the National Museum of Nature and Science from July to September, commemorating the 100th Anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relationship between Colombia and Japan. The DOWA group displayed actual metals and played the video on DOWAfs metal recycling technology, rare metals , which are as precious as gold nowadays, and posted the issue of exhaustion of the supply of metals, highlighting gold as a resource. Many elementary and junior high school students visited the exhibition with their families as it was held during the summer vacation.
DOWA Cup Jr. Cross Country Ski Festival

In February, we held a DOWA Cup Towada Lake junior cross country ski festival in Mt. Okawadake in Kosaka, Akita Prefecture. In this event in addition to ordinary three ski races of sprint, cross country and sit (a sit ski on a wheelchair maneuvered using onefs arms), we offered open tournament thereby inexperienced elementary and junior high school students can enjoy the dynamism of the ski tournament. Total 691 elementary and junior high school students participated in this 19th event this year.
This event is also designated as a selection race of the skiers for the Winter Youth Olympic Games to be held in Australia in 2012 and therefore the event is increasing its importance.