Feature I Contribution to Earthfs Environment - We are committed to contributing to global environmental protection through our business to fight global warming, as well as our waste management and recycling businesses in Asia -
In Asian countries, waste management has not been established, resulting in serious social problems including health hazards and environmental contamination. Japanese companies and other companies from developed countries in Asia face these serious problems.
Capitalizing on the advanced technologies developed by the DOWA group in Japan, DOWA has been deploying the recycling business in China. DOWA also contributes to conservation of environment in Asia through its waste management, soil remediation and recycling businesses deployed in Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore.
DOWA is also committed to fighting against global warming actively through its business in the Philippines, such as methane recovery and control from hog farms, and producing biodiesel from used cooking oil.

01 Aiming for No. 1 in Asia

PPLi (Indonesia)
In South East Asia, sufficient waste management and recycling facilities are not put in place, resulting in serious social problems including health hazards and environmental contamination caused by improper management of hazardous substances. Japanese companies and other companies from developed countries in Asia face these serious problems.

PPLi (Indonesia)
Capitalizing on the advanced technologies and know-howfs developed by the DOWA group in its environmental and recycling businesses in Japan, DOWA has been deploying businesses in China. In February 2009, the DOWA group acquired Modern Asia Environmental Holdings Inc. (gMAEH Inc.h), a waste management company in South East Asia in DOWAfs commitment to responding to environmental issues in Asia. MAEH Inc. is a company which deploys waste management business at four bases in three South East Asian countries: Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore. Each operation adopts the cutting-edge technology that meets internationally accepted standards such as ISO9001, 14001 and US-EPA. A threefold safety system is put into place for its final waste management plant to prevent leakage from a sheet cover. For collection and transportation of wastes, the advanced technologies are used, including vehicle operation control using GPS and waste management using barcodes.
Capitalizing on the management resource of MAEH Inc., we can provide reliable services like those in Japan to numerous companies based in South East Asia. We are the only company that can offer gone-stop-shoph service, covering waste management, soil remediation and recycling in Japan, China and South East Asia.
Through our business activities, we are committed to contributing to improved waste management and recycling in South East Asia and cooperate with the Japanese government for its environmental protection activities in South East Asia
We also endeavor to offer environmental consulting services focusing on these countries: deploy the business to fight global warming such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) business; and foster human resources related to the environment in each country.

BPEC (Thailand)

ESBEC (Thailand)

TEC (Singapore)
- PPLiiPT Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri/Indonesiaj:
The only company in Indonesia that has a permit from the government to handle final processing of hazardous substances and acts as a center of final waste, oil and liquid disposal in Indonesia. - BPECiBangpoo Environmental Complex Co Ltd./Thailandj:
One of the two incineration disposal plants of wastes in Thailand and is a center of incineration disposal of wastes there. - ESBECiEastern Seaboard Environmental Complex Co Ltd./Thailandj:
One of large-scale companies to handle final disposal of wastes in Thailand and is a center of final disposal of wastes, oil and liquid there. - TECiTechnochem Environmental Complex Pte Ltd./Singaporej:
Small but with many options of disposal and is a center of incineration disposal, distillation and reuse in Singapore. - Note: In addition to the companies mentioned above, we have holding companies including MAEL (Modern Asia Environmental Ltd., Thailand), and MAEHS (Modern Asia Environmental Holdings Pte Ltd., Singapore).

Through acquisition of MAEH, we are now able to deploy the same business model as that of Japan in South East Asia. We are confident that we could offer a safe and reliable integrated environmental services to Japanese companies located in these countries.
MAEH has a great potential to become a core company of DOWA Ecosystem and we expect it to greatly contribute to a great advances forward by the entire DOWA group.
President of MAEH: Kenji Ohnishi