Editorial Line
(1) Reorganization
Dowa Mining Co., Ltd. changed its organizational structure to a holding company system and started a new group management system under the name of Dowa Holdings Co., Ltd on October 1, 2006.
We have adopted a new statistical approach starting from the 2008 CSR Report. Additionally four major offices outside of Japan are included in the statistics of the DOWA group in this report.
Overseas offices added in the statistical boundary of the DOWA group
(Peoplefs Republic of China)
EDowa Environmental Management Co., Ltd
EDowa Advanced Materials Shanghai Co., Ltd
(2) Publishing of Web version
ûThis report highlights and reports environmental conservation activities of the DOWA group, focusing on some important points, to provide the entire overview of those activities in an for easy understanding. For more information, please visit our website, especially for the information with the following indications. (To be published in September)

¡Target Organizations
This report is basically composed of activity reports from each of the DOWA groupfs directly controlled plants/offices as well as companies of the group, also some parts of the report covers the activities of the entire DOWA group or group companies.
Note: As a rule, the offices and companies that are included in our consolidated accounting are selected in these reports.
¡Target Areas to Report
The report covers the current implementation status, result and future policy of the above mentioned organizations from the three aspects of gEconomy,h gSocietyh and gEnvironmental Conservation.h
¡Target Readers
All stakeholders of the DOWA groupfs business activities including our customers, stockholders, clients, communities, researchers, students, employees and rating & evaluation agencies, governmental agencies, NPO and
¡Target Period
The report covers from April 1, 2008 until March 31, 2009, partially including the past backgrounds and previous activities.
Note: Some results in this report may differ from those of the previous report, as a result of detailed review of data and some modifications have been made.
¡Ground for Calculation
Emission factor set forth in the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures is used in calculating carbon-dioxide emissions.
CO2 emissions derived from wastes are calculated by accepted volume multiplied by the emission factor according to each categories set forth in the Wastes Disposal and Public Cleaning Law. The figure of 0.555 kg Co2/kWh is used as an emission factor for power generation, which is a national uniform emission factor set forth in the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. As a result, the figures may differ from those in the Dowa Group Report submitted to administration authorities. As some of the figures are rounded off to calculate totals, adding up figures in each item may not be equal to the grand total.
¡Reference Guidelines
EEnvironmental Reporting Guideline 2007 by Ministry of the Environment
ESustainability Reporting Guideline Ver.3 ( G3) of Global Reporting Initiative